Saturday, August 15, 2009

It’s Possible To Cure Sinus Headache in Pregnancy

Enduring the pain and discomfort of regular sinus headaches is bad enough though when a woman experiences sinus headache during pregnancy the symptoms will get a lot worse and for which suitable medications need to be found to provide more adequate relief. The fact of the matter is that a pregnant mother-to-be cannot take all kinds of medications because of her pregnant state and so it is necessary to look for suitable medicines to treat sinus headache during pregnancy and which will be able to cure the sinus headache without adversely impacting the baby or their mothers. Mayo Clinic and also the National Library of Medicine recommend taking certain kinds of painkillers as well as anti-histamines that can prove to be very effective in treating sinus headache during pregnancy.

The first pain reliever that can be safely taken in order to treat sinus headache pregnancy is the one known as acetaminophen that helps to provide relief from pain being felt in the facial region and also in the head that is directly caused by a sinus headache. Of course, this medicine should only be used after getting your doctor to approve of its use.

Antibiotics too are very effective (especially when taken orally) in treating sinus headache during pregnancy and a good example of such antibiotics is amoxicillin that helps to treat infection related sinus headaches.

You can also choose to take over-the-counter anti-histamines that can provide relief from sinus headache during pregnancy and good examples of this is Benadryl that is often recommended by doctors as it helps in reducing sinus as well as nasal mucous that are the reason why people (including pregnant women) suffer from sinus headaches.

Decongestants can prove to be very effective in providing relief from sinus headache during pregnancy and Zyrtec-D is certainly a great option that too is often prescribed by doctors because of the ability of this decongestant to induce flow of mucous from out of your sinus and so will reduce the symptoms of a sinus headache during pregnancy.

Other ways of safely treating sinus headache during pregnancy include undergoing nasal irrigation and using nasal sprays too that individually can prove to be ideal solutions to the problem.

Finding suitable headache relief treatments is not hard because it only requires consulting with a doctor to whom you can explain the symptoms that you have been experiencing and also inform them about the frequency of your attacks. It is then up to the doctor to diagnose your condition and find out the exact causes of your headaches and then they can prescribe suitable treatments.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How A Sinus Headache Medicine Can Provide Relief

The most common symptoms of sinus headache are pain as well as pressure in the area around the eyes as well as around the nose which often gets worse whenever you blow your nose or when you bend over. It is simple to treat sinuses while the condition is still in its initial stages which are when it only requires taking over-the-counter sinus headache medicines which could be an aspirin or acetaminophen or even ibuprofen. Sometimes, however, these sinus headache medicines might not prove to be effective in which case you will need to take prescription decongestants that are more effective as they unclog as well as drain out the sinuses and so provide immediate relief.

In case you need to treat sinus infection headaches then you might need to also take antibiotics and furthermore it is also possible that your doctor may prescribe sinus headache medicines such as anti-histamines which help in curing sinus headaches that are caused by different allergies. In a few instances, a sinus headache can actually be a migraine and in such cases you will actually need to take medicines that treat migraines and which are not the normal sinus headache medicines.

However, in many instances the symptoms of a sinus headache will disappear after a week or two of having taken sinus headache medicines accompanied by anti-histamines and antibiotics. As mentioned, you can use non-prescription sinus headache medicines and these are readily available at any pharmacy or even neighborhood grocery store.

It is also possible to purchase sinus headache medicines from internet sites though when buying online it pays to be extra careful that you are only buying the medicines from a trusted website. In most cases, regular sinus headache medicines are strong enough to provide relief from typical sinus headache symptoms and will provide sufficient relief for the pain and pressure that you are sure to be experiencing.

In case the pain persists even after taking common sinus headache medicines then you will need to consult your doctor who will diagnose the causes of your sinus headache and then will recommend suitable sinus headache medicines. In case, the symptoms persist even after taking prescription sinus headache medicines then you may need to undergo surgery to get rid of the problem once and for all.

It is obvious that persons experiencing a sinus headache will feel much pain and fatigue though when it concerns sinus headache during pregnancy the symptoms will become a lot worse. Furthermore, when women are pregnant they will not be able to take certain kinds of medicines to help treat their sinus headaches and so they will need to look at alternative solutions.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Oh, My Aching Back: What Causes Sciatica?

Often, when it comes to the human body, an individual takes their health for granted and does not pay attention to the various organs and the various systems that comprise the human anatomy. For example, we often take our breathing, the beating of our hearts, the five human senses, the workings of the brain, etc. for granted and don’t think about the particular organs unless we sense pain.

The same statement can be held true when it comes to considering the nervous system. However, if the skin is burned or a toe is stubbed or a cut in the skin, the nerve endings send out a painful reminder to the brain that something is wrong.

Another painful condition that involves the nervous system is a condition known as sciatica. Therefore, it is important to know what sciatica is and what causes sciatica.

Sciatica is a symptom that is experienced by the individual in their lower legs. The sciatic nerve pain causes moderate pain to severe pain as well as feeling of numbness in the legs. In addition, these symptoms can be felt in the hips and range downward to the knees as well as the lower legs.

Specifically, sciatic nerves are affected. In the normal human body there are two sciatic nerves. One of these nerves runs down the right leg and one of these nerves runs down the left leg. In addition, sciatic nerves are the two largest nerves in the body.

Additionally, it can be anticipated that almost everyone will at one time or another in their lives experience sciatica. However, there are some conditions experienced by an individual which makes the experience of sciatica an ongoing issue.

When talking about sciatica it is also important to know what causes sciatica. One of the most common causes of sciatica is due to the aging process. Specifically, as an individual ages, there is a deteriorating process that takes places. One specific part of the anatomy that deteriorates is the spinal column. Specifically, it starts to compress on itself. When this occurs the openings of the spinal column, which the sciatic nerves tunnel through, become narrow and therefore can cause pressure on the sciatic nerves. This in turn causes sciatica.

In addition, another reason for sciatica and which addresses the question of what causes sciatica is a herniated disc. A herniated disc is sometimes caused by lifting or moving a heavy object which dislodges the cushion that resides between the vertebrae. When this occurs, this shifting can place the pressure upon the sciatic nerve and in turn cause sciatica.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Why Not Trust In A Simple Home Sinus Headache Remedy?

People that are unfortunate enough to experience sinus headaches will more often than not complain that the subsequent pain caused by the condition is very debilitating and for which they will want to know about a suitable sinus headache remedy. In fact, there are millions and millions of people that are affected by sinus headaches and on a daily basis as well. The most common reason for this problem is inflammation of sphenoid sinus cavity lining.

In most cases, finding a sinus headache remedy will mean having to consult a doctor who will diagnose the condition and recommend suitable treatments. However, there are several trusted sinus headache remedies that you can try out in order to get sufficient relief. Among the most simple of all sinus headache remedies the one that involves dipping a towel in some cold water and then applying this wet towel to the affected area can prove to be very useful.

Of course, as soon as the towel starts to warm up you will need to flip it and again dip it into cold water and then apply it once more to the affected area. Not only will this simple sinus headache remedy provide immediate relief but it ensures that you do not need to worry about suffering from side effects.

You can also try another home sinus headache remedy which is to sleep for about thirty minutes in a darkened room. No doubt, this is not a cure for your sinus headache but it will ensure that you get temporary relief. For a more instantaneous form of sinus headache remedy you must try to eat a chili or even some jalapeno pepper. These will drain the sinuses and clear them out and in this way provide immediate relief.

You can also get instantaneous relief by simply inhaling some steam which too will drain out your sinuses and by adding some peppermint oil to water you can make this simple home sinus headache remedy even more effective because peppermint oil will act as fast acting decongestant which will get rid of mucous and also clear out your sinuses.

During initial sinus headache stages you can get relief from the pain and discomfort by taking some over-the-counter sinus headache medicines. Typically, this would mean taking an aspirin or some ibuprofen and even an acetaminophen. In case, you still do not get relief then you might need to take prescription decongestants which will help in unclogging as well as draining your sinuses.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Look At Various Sciatica Symptoms

Sciatica is a term that refers to pain that a person feels in their sciatic nerves which in turn are large sized nerves that extend from a person’s lower back to the rear side of both their legs. In regard to understanding sciatica symptoms it has been found that these symptoms are wide and varied though the most common sciatica symptoms include feeling pain in the buttock or in one or both legs.

When this kind of sciatica symptoms develop then the pain can ease up when you stand while it will increase whenever you sit down. Like most other injuries sciatica symptoms are also characterized by burning or even tingling sensations that can extend down one or even both your legs. In a majority of instances sciatica symptoms affect just one side of a person’s lower body region and often the pain originates in their lower back regions and will then run down either one or both their legs.

In a few instances sciatica symptoms can extend further than a person’s legs and will even affect their toes and feet. Another common characteristic of sciatica symptoms is that they involve feeling weak and it can lead to numbing feeling and there can also be issues with mobility. People that suffer from sciatica symptoms usually also experience difficulties in moving their feet and legs and the pain can often become severe enough to hamper normal motion. In some instances, however this pain can be mild and no more than a mild sort of inconvenience. However, when the pain becomes severe it should be treated at the earliest and you should also discuss your condition with a doctor that will diagnose the condition and recommend suitable treatment.

Sometimes, sciatica symptoms can cause sharp kinds of pain that will affect either side of a person’s buttocks though seldom will this pain occur on both sides. In other instances, the pain might be shooting and it will run up as well as down each affected leg. It does pay to get such symptoms diagnosed by a doctor who can provide suitable treatments that will help you get relief from the pain.

When studying what different sciatic nerve symptoms are you will find that such symptoms only affect about five percent of people experiencing lower back problems. Furthermore, the symptoms may or may not involve experiencing pain, having altered sensations and feeling weak in the feet or in the legs.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sinus Infection Headache: Beware Of Blocked Sinuses

Sinuses are nothing but hollow cavities that are located near a person’s nose. When a person develops a sinus infection headache it is caused because the sinuses have become swollen and this in turn can be caused by allergies or because of immune reactions that lead to a blocked sinus. When the sinus is blocked it leads to air being trapped inside the sinus and it can also cause secretions such as pus that will put added pressure on the walls of the sinus – leading to a sinus infection headache.

The pain from a sinus infection headache can be mild, moderate or severe and the condition also leads to feeling a lot of discomfort. Millions of people suffer from sinus infections and a vast number of these people also experience a sinus infection headache or two. Sometimes the condition is caused by a fungal or viral infection that can affect any one or more of the different kinds of sinuses.

In case the sinus infection headache causes pain above the eyes you can reasonably suspect that the frontal sinuses have become blocked whereas if the pain is experienced in the cheekbone region then the maxillary sinuses (located in each cheekbone) must have become blocked. In case the sinus infection headache causes pain in the nasal region then the sinuses affected are sure to be the ethmoid sinuses that are located behind the bridge of your nose and between your eyes). Lastly, a sinus infection headache that causes pain in the upper region of your nose and also behind your eyes is sure to be caused by blocked sphenoid sinuses.

Mostly, sinus infection headaches are at their worst in the early mornings and the pain can affect the head and ears or neck or even the upper jaw and cheeks and even the teeth. You might also notice that your eyelids have started to swell and there can also be certain amount of pain felt between your eyes. A stuffy nose is also a common complaint among patients suffering from sinus infection headaches and the person might also lose their sense of smell and the nose too can turn very tender and runny.

All this suffering will certainly make you want to quickly find an effective sinus headache remedy or two. In fact, unless you treat your sinus headache in its early stages you will not be able to control the pain that can then lead to a lot of needless hardship.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Observing A Homemade Colon Cleansing Diet

If you were to keep a food journal for a week you might be shocked at the things that are in your diet. Combined with the hectic lifestyles that most people have this is a recipe for health problems.

Many of us dismiss irregular bowel movements, bad skin, and poor sleeping patterns as trivial. However these signs are indicative of poor health and show a need for a complete overhaul of diet and lifestyle. A homemade colon cleansing diet can help you to start feeling better.

When you start a homemade colon cleansing diet you will see that what you are eating is really a healthy diet. There is nothing too drastic or revolutionary about a diet that will help you to cleanse your colon. A diet like this will also help to supplement any homemade colon cleanse recipe you might already be following.

The first thing you want to do is eliminate foods that are hard to digest from your homemade colon cleansing diet. If you are a caffeine addict it is time to ditch the coffee, tea, and soda that you are drinking and replace it all with water. You also want to get rid of any processed foods such as pasteurized dairy products, seafood, processed meat, and anything with additives and chemicals.

To make your natural colon cleanse diet effective you will need to add fiber to your diet. Many of us eat much less fiber than we actually need. Modern diets on average contain as little as 10 grams of fiber a day. You should double this amount of fiber and aim to get your fiber intake up to 35 grams a day.

A homemade colon cleansing diet will include plenty of fruits and vegetables, preferably eaten raw. Start your day with some fruit and yoghurt; the fruit has fiber and lots of water, yoghurt contains good bacteria that are essential for your gut.

Stick to lean meats when you are on a homemade colon cleansing diet. You also want to cut out starchy foods from any meal that contains protein. For lunch you can have some grilled chicken with steamed vegetables for example. Then for dinner you could have a lean cut of beef with a salad.

Throughout your homemade colon cleansing diet you should be drinking plenty of water. A rough guide to how much water you should be drinking is to divide your weight in pounds by half. This number is the amount of water you should be drinking in ounces. Stay on this homemade colon cleansing diet for at least two to three weeks for good results.