Monday, February 23, 2009

What Causes Back Pain and How to Treat It

Back pain is one of the most common health conditions to afflict mankind since time began. Lower back pain in particular is a frequent cause of complaint when it comes to back problems. There are various causes of back pain. Let's take a look at some of them here.

The most frequent reason for experiencing back pain is typically muscle strain. Sometimes you stress your back muscles beyond their capacity, resulting in damage or injury. This is similar to the way in which muscles become sore when lifting too much weight. If your back pain is a result of muscle strain, your best treatment is to take it easy for several days and avoid any exertion of your back muscles. Over the counter pain relievers and muscle relaxants will also assist in easing the pain and discomfort of back pain caused by muscle strain. Other effective treatments are warm compresses and massage.

Back pain can also be caused by stress. Whenever you're feeling nervous and stressed, you'll usually find that your muscles tighten up. Of course, the back will experience some of this effect as well. Your first line of defense is to relax. Learn some stress management techniques that will help you calm down. Massage and aromatherapy are also excellent treatments for muscle and back pain due to stress.

Another frequent reason why we experience back pain is spinal damage. An injured disc or pinched nerve will make themselves known by causing you discomfort. Visit your doctor if your back pain is ongoing or doesn't respond to treatment in a few days. He or she will be able to diagnose the problem properly and arrange for the most effective treatment options.

Other reasons for back pain can be problems within your organs, like your kidneys or gall bladder. Even though these organs lie deep within your body, it's possible to experience pain in your back muscles if these organs have sustained damage or have become diseased. Here again, a trip to the doctor is your best bet if you think that you have an injury that might be affecting any of your vital organs.

How you manage your back pain will depend on what the actual reason for the pain is. If your back pain isn't serious, the condition will clear up in a few days. But if the pain never seems to go away, you need to consult your doctor for an examination. That way you'll be sure to get the most effective back pain treatment for your particular problem.

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