Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Male Menopause: Is it a Myth?

There are currently numerous debates in the medical community on whether menopause really exists in men. Menopause in women is defined as the time when the menstrual periods cease. Based on this, men cannot have menopause. But, as the doctors have argued, they can undergo andropause — the male equivalent of menopause in women. Males who have andropause manifest the same symptoms as those women with menopause.

Male menopause is used to refer to the condition in which men experience a decrease in their hormone levels. But unlike the case of women whose hormone levels drop dramatically, male menopause takes place with a gradual fall in hormone testosterone. Medical reports show that many men in their 70's have almost the same testosterone levels as those in their 20's.

Men with menopause manifest symptoms that include irritability, sweating, memory problems, concentration difficulties, and hot flushing.

Other common complaints of men with menopause consist of low sex drive, hair loss, fatigue, generalized pains, and body shape changes as they tend to become more rounded and less brawny.

Analyzing the symptoms, it becomes clear why male menopause is compared with that of women. Women may manifest some or all of the symptoms listed.

It is important to note, however, that the symptoms listed may be caused by other physical illnesses other than menopause. Thyroid gland dysfunction, depression, or anemia may be the underlying roots.

Some doctors, however, claim that male menopause is caused not by the hormonal changes but by psychological reasons. The realization that they are ageing is underlined by the signs of physical changes such as the occurrence of wrinkles, fat and waning hairline.

Men in their middle age usually weaken their self-esteem as they begin to question themselves as to whether they still have a role in their homes and the society. An example is when their children mature and leave home; they start to feel empty and futile in the family.

Other possible psychological triggers of menopause in men include financial problems, job dissatisfaction, and marital conflicts.

It is important to note, however, that the symptoms listed may be caused by other physical illnesses other than menopause. Again, thyroid gland dysfunction, depression, or anemia may be the underlying causes.

The diagnosis of male menopause is done by running a physical exam; the doctor will inquire about the symptoms the male is experiencing. He may conduct necessary diagnostic tests to discard other medical problems which may be affecting the condition. Series of blood tests will then be carried out to analyze the patient's hormone levels, as well as the blood testosterone status.

Testosterone replacement therapy is applied if the testosterone levels are found to be low. This process also helps to minimize the symptoms such as fatigue, depression, and low libido, or poor sex drive.

Hormone replacement therapy has as well been tied to the development in the brain functions, bone density and night sweats.

Testosterone replacement comes in oral medication, implants, or injections. The oral drugs are given to those who cannot bear implants or injections. On the other hand, implants are placed in the lower hip or abdomen. This method provides cure that keeps going for up to six months. The testosterone injections are typically given about once every two weeks.

If you are considering testosterone replacement therapy, it is important that you talk to a doctor to learn more about it. Your physician may also advise some changes in your lifestyle, such as an exercise program, proper diet, and medications to help alleviate the symptoms caused by male menopause.

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Relation Between Mental Health and Anger Management

When a person can no longer deal with the difficult situations in life, there are only two things that can probably happen: cry in vain and be forever depressed or be angry at the person or thing that caused the problem. Either way, the individual has no way to deal with his misery and when he can no longer take the pain, he blames everyone for his mishaps. Mental health is nowhere to be found. A person must know on how to deal with anger in order to achieve mental health.

Anger is inseparable to a person’s life. Even children can become angry because of something. Anger is not something to be worried about, it is not an abnormal state of mind but in fact is a normal and healthy reaction of the person’s mind and body to a certain situation that didn’t agree with the person. Being angry is never comfortable. Bearing the pain and grudge within your system can be destructive in time. Oftentimes, a person becomes angry after being sad or hurt. Anger is a very good excuse to hurt other people and strike back. Anger is an emotion that gives the person experiencing it to become more aggravated.

Anger can become an external defense mechanism especially if the hurt is applied physically and not emotionally. Although, anger becomes a threat when it is already contributing destruction to the lives of others. It is of natural accentuation to act angry in certain circumstances, it’s just a matter on how a person handles his anger is the real deal. There are a number of ways to get anger management help:

1. Relaxation techniques - Here, the person must find a way to calm down the system responsible for increasing the angry feeling which is the autonomic nervous system. These include:

• Fast relaxation technique which is equated with deep breathing and allows the diaphragm to expand and increase oxygen intake

• Meditative processes like mindfulness and relaxation meditation.

• Wait for a couple of seconds before regressing with the situation. You can try counting from one to ten before you react to the situation. This will give you a couple of seconds to run down events and what outcome can your anger produce.

2. Cognitive techniques – are referred to the techniques that can change your expectations and beliefs in life which can replace your angry thoughts into more accepted and reasonable ones. You have to remember that the moment you become angry your entire system is affected. Unless you do something about making it more meaningful than destructive, your anger will just increase.

Techniques that are used for anxiety and depression can be of enormous help. It is also important that you talk to someone about your worries and how your anger has developed in order to be more enlightened.

When anger is repressed and is not effectively expressed in any means necessary, this can cause problems that will bring further problems along the way. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that expressing of anger anywhere and anytime of the day just because you feel like it is good. Balancing the approach which may include the acknowledgment of that anger and acting on it accordingly can help reduce the foreseeable crisis. This will stabilize the mind and produce mental health in the person.

Relieving Your Pain in the Back When You Have Arthritis

If you have arthritis back pain, you need relief. Arthritis can be painful and so can back issues, but arthritis in your back can be near debilitating. Back pain can make it nearly impossible to do everyday things that other people take for granted. It can be hard to sit or stand for long periods of time, or to even lie down to sleep. Back pain and arthritis can make it difficult to walk around, lift items, or even hold your children or grandchildren on your lap. In short, finding arthritis back pain relief is a necessity for anyone who experiences it.

Many doctors will recommend that you begin a specific exercise routine that will help strengthen the muscles around your joints and increase joint flexibility. This will help to alleviate some of the arthritis back pain that you feel. However, this will probably not give you complete arthritis back pain relief. Your doctor will probably also recommend that you take some arthritis pain relief medicine to help with arthritis back pain relief.

A new and developing treatment for arthritis related back pain that might give you some arthritis back pain relief is radiofrequency ablation. This can be done instead of taking arthritis pain relief medication. This is where heat energy will destroy or stun the nerves of the painful joint. This treatment can give temporary arthritis back pain relief. While it is not permanent, it can be repeated to keep the pain at bay.

Patients with arthritis that is mostly confined to their spinal area are the best candidates for radiofrequency ablation. Some patients with arthritis in the upper buttock region are also good candidates for radiofrequency ablation for arthritis back pain relief. This procedure is done on an outpatient basis. The doctor applies the radiofrequency energy either in pulses to stun the nerves or continuously for between one and two minutes to actually destroy the nerve tissue that is causing pain.

Most people who have continuous radiofrequency treatment for their arthritis back pain relief find that they experience more than a fifty percent pain reduction. For most people, the arthritis back pain relief will last for between six and nine months, and then the procedure can be repeated. However, with repeat treatments some patients experience less arthritis back pain relief than the first few radiofrequency treatments.

Make sure that you talk to your doctor about what is the best pain relief route for you to take to manage your arthritis back pain.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Why Would You Need Alcoholism Medical Treatment?

You may have heard about alcoholism medical treatment and wondered if that's what you need. You should be aware, however, that alcoholism medical treatment is much different than inpatient alcoholism treatment. Inpatient alcoholism treatment is much like medical treatment in that you stay in the facility where you're given a room and a bed. You're fed, given medications if necessary and you receive care from trained professionals around the clock. The difference, however, comes when the person requires medical treatment that cannot be given in a traditional treatment facility. A person requires alcoholism medical treatment if they are near death because of their alcoholism, they have special medical needs and if they have hurt themselves because of their alcoholism.

People requiring alcohol treatment should go to the hospital where they will likely have a ward that will treat people with various addictions. The people around you could be in there for drugs, for alcohol or they could be in there for both. Just like inpatient care, you are required to stay at the hospital in the alcoholism medical treatment ward where you will be treated medically for whatever you have wrong with you and you will also be given alcoholism treatment.

Some people have abused alcohol for so long that they have completely destroyed their bodies. Their bones may be frail, their organs may be shutting down and they may be in such ill health that one serious binge drinking episode could result in serious illness or even death. A person like that needs professionals around them at all times in case a medical intervention becomes necessary. Thus it is right for a person in this sort of situation to be taken to an alcoholism medical treatment facility where they will have all the medical personnel right there in case they need them.

If you don't require medical attention and you just find yourself addicted to alcohol to the extent that it's ruining your life, then you may be fine at a regular alcoholism addiction program rather than stay at an alcoholism medical treatment facility. However, you can still stay at a medical facility as they will still help with alcoholism, there will just be extra resources at your disposal whether you need them or not. You should call your local hospital to inquire about their alcoholism medical treatment program to decide if it's what you require to get your life back under control.

How to Treat Eczema on Your Scalp

Eczema is one of the most common skin disorders, but scalp and hand eczema are quite common too. The scalp is quite susceptible to eczema, as the skin is different from the skin on the rest of the body, and it gets a lot of oil and grease from hair follicles and sebaceous glands.

Scalp eczema is not caused by diet, and is also not contagious, but it can get aggravated by psychological stress, illness, change of season, fatigue and deterioration of health. People with immunodeficiency and neurological disorders are quite prone to this condition.

An effective scalp eczema treatment is to use medicated shampoos that contain selenium sulfide, ketoconazole, coal tar, zinc pyrithione and salicylic acid. The medicated shampoo should be used twice a week for a month. Using steroid scalp application can also be quite an effective scalp eczema treatment. In severe cases, doctor may prescribe scalp ointment that contains salicylic acid and coconut oil. This ointment is applied on the full scalp and is left overnight, and is washed off using mild shampoo the next day.

Other than itching, people suffering from scalp eczema may also experience dry skin, redness of the affected area, blisters or lumps. If you're suffering from any of these symptoms, it's important to let your physician know, so that an appropriate scalp eczema treatment can be provided.

Many people feel that using external ointments and creams is the only effective scalp eczema treatment, but it has been proved that some foods can also improve the scalp condition in just few days. An effective scalp eczema treatment diet includes raw food such as fruits, green vegetables and vegetable juice. The main ingredients of this diet are tomatoes, spinach, apples, carrots, celery, cabbage, peppers, broccoli, onions, parsnips, brown rice, split peas and lentils.

If you're suffering from scalp eczema, it is important to understand that constant scratching must be avoided at any cost, as scratching makes the disease much worse. During winter, try to use shampoos and conditioners made exclusively for dry scalps. Hot showers must be completely avoided as they drastically affect the scalp condition. After shampooing and before conditioning, rinse your hair thoroughly, as conditioner seals the outer surface of the hair, making it smooth. But if there are some remains of shampoo, they will also be sealed, later coming off as flakes.

The best eczema scalp treatment is to combine the use of good shampoos, conditioners and ointments with a good diet. This will help deal with other skin conditions as well.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Get Started Early for Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief

If you have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, you may be searching for some sort of rheumatoid arthritis pain relief. You may have been told that there is nothing for rheumatoid arthritis pain relief and that the only rheumatoid arthritis pain relief you can hope to get will only be minimal. However, early treatment for rheumatoid arthritis can show some improvements in rheumatoid arthritis pain relief management.

Early treatment for rheumatoid arthritis helps with pain relief. Early treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with certain medicines can help to prevent the joint damage that rheumatoid arthritis causes and that leads to the disabilities commonly associated with rheumatoid arthritis. In the past, studies have shown that nearly a third of all patients with rheumatoid arthritis became disabled after having the illness for just two to three years. Because of this, early and aggressive treatments for rheumatoid arthritis have been instituted for many patients to help not only with rheumatoid arthritis pain relief, but also with curbing the debilitating effects of rheumatoid arthritis.

It is important to talk to your doctor to find out whether or not early treatment will be helpful for your rheumatoid arthritis. Not all people who have rheumatoid arthritis are even at risk for having joint damage and disability. If that is the case, then you should seek other rheumatoid arthritis pain relief management. The patients who need early and aggressive treatments are those who are at risk for joint damage and disability. Some of the medication, however, can be used for rheumatoid arthritis pain relief. Certain medications do not help prevent joint damage, but they can curb the pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis. These medicines can help with, for example, arthritis back pain relief. However, only a small percentage of people suffering with rheumatoid arthritis are able to take these specific medicines. For the most part, people experiencing pain and who need rheumatoid arthritis pain relief are given medicines that have a lower risk of side effects.

If you have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, it is important that you do what you need to do to stay active. If you are not happy with the care that your doctor is giving you, you can always seek out a second opinion. Make sure that you know the options and are educated on the matter when discussing it with your physician. If you become an advocate for your health, you will ensure that you get the best health care possible.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Dealing With Mid Back Pain

Mid back pain is felt at any point of the spine from between the shoulder blades down to the bottom of the rib cage. Anybody who has ever experienced mid back pain knows that it can quickly become bothersome. This kind of back pain often affects the ribcage and can make it feel difficult to draw a full breath. If the pain lasts for longer than a day or too it lowers the individual’s quality of life and makes them feel completely miserable. You can alleviate some of the discomfort with pain medication, but this will not treat the cause of the problem.

There are several potential causes of mid back pain including injury, muscle strain, a pinched nerve an excess of sugar in the diet putting a strain on the pancreas or a problem with the diaphragm or ribs. If you have persistent mid back pain that lasts for longer than a day or two, consult with your health care provider. They can do tests and examinations to evaluate the cause of the problem before deciding on the correct course of treatment or therapy.

If your back is not strong it is more susceptible to injury or muscle strain. Therefore it is important to keep your back strong and supple if you wish to reduce the probability of suffering from mid back pain. You can keep your back strong by doing regular resistance work at your local gym and through Pilates or yoga exercises.

The nerves in the middle back are linked to digestive organs such as the pancreas, which produces the insulin the body needs to metabolize sugar. If a person consumes an excess of sugar the pancreas has to work harder and produce more insulin than normal. This can cause inflame the nerves which are attached to the pancreas and cause mid back pain. Therefore it is not a good idea to consume too much sugar in your diet.

If you wish to avoid mid back pain it is also important to maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight affects a person’s balance and posture and can put undue strain on the spine. If you are heavier than you should be and you tend to suffer from mid back pain you should make an effort to lose any excess pounds.

Sometimes conventional health care providers are unable to diagnose the cause or effectively treat mid back pain. If ever you find yourself in such a situation you may wish to consult with an Ayurveda practitioner or chiropractor. Alternative medicine practitioners take a holistic approach to problems such as mid back pain and can sometimes help in cases where conventional practices fail.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

What You'll Do In An Alcoholism Treatment Facility

It can be very scary to go through alcoholism medical treatment, especially when you are entering an inpatient alcoholism treatment facility. You may be wondering what it's like. You may be thinking about the other people who are there and what they'll be like. It's enough to make even the most outgoing person in the world suffer an anxiety attack. And considering that most alcoholics are only outgoing when they're under the influence, you're probably going through a lot of anxiety wondering about the alcoholism treatment facility. However, you need to relax as that will assist you in getting through your treatment faster.

The reason you're going into an alcoholism treatment facility is because you are addicted to alcohol. For whatever reason, you've decided you have a problem and that you could potentially lose everything or everyone in your life if you don't quit drinking. Therefore, this step, enrolling yourself in an alcoholism treatment facility, is extremely important. You're going to be surrounded by like minded people, positive people who will give you the help you need when you need it. You will have fun exercises and fulfilling therapy sessions, both alone and with a group, and you will emerge a new and better person. When you think about the alcoholism treatment facility in those parameters, it's not so scary and it can be, in fact, very exciting.

You need to undergo therapy and that's why therapy is a big part of alcoholism treatment facilities. You need to know why you drink. Everyone who has a problem with alcohol, or even with drugs, drinks or uses for some reason. Either they are depressed or they are having marital problems or work problems, or maybe they're going through a mid life crisis. Whatever it is, it's so bad they literally have to numb themselves to keep from feeling or facing whatever's bothering them. This thing or situation may not be immediately apparent even to the person experiencing it, and thus it becomes necessary to engage in therapy so that this reason can be revealed. Sometimes one on one therapy can do this, with only the patient and a therapist, or group therapy can bring it out, where the patient engages in therapy with a group of others going through treatment along with a therapist. Both are very effective and that's why most alcoholism treatment facilities provide both.

It may take a long time for you to become completely clean from alcohol but if you stick with it, take it seriously, and you use all the resources at the alcoholism treatment facility that are offered to you, you will succeed and you will be able to change your life for the better.

Exercise Is the Best Natural Arthritis Pain Relief

Arthritis can be painful and practically debilitating at times. Depending on where your arthritis is in your body, you might be in constant pain or have pain that comes and goes. After you visit your doctor for your arthritis pain, he or she might recommend using exercises for natural arthritis pain relief. Many people do not want to be on medication for the rest of their lives, and exercise is a great natural arthritis pain relief depending on what type of arthritis you are suffering from.

Exercise as a natural arthritis pain relief works for many people. Specific doctor recommended arthritis exercises will help increase the flexibility of your joints. It will also increase bone vigor, energy levels, and muscle strength. Arthritis exercises fortify the muscles next to the affected joints allowing the joints to be kept completely movable. However, some arthritis’ cannot be treated effectively with exercise as a natural arthritis pain relief. Your doctor may not recommend that you use exercise to relieve your arthritis pain. In fact, certain exercises might even exacerbate your symptoms.

Before beginning any exercise routine for natural arthritis pain relief you should talk to your doctor. Your doctor will know exactly what type of arthritis you have, and he or she will also know whether or not any type of exercise is likely to improve the symptoms. For example, rheumatoid arthritis pain relief might not be found in an exercise program. Some types of arthritis simply need to be treated by medication, and if you have one of those types of arthritis exercise just might make you feel worse.

There are three types of exercise as natural arthritis pain relief that your doctor might recommend. The first is range of motion. Range of motion exercises are exercises that move the joints in every direction and as far as possible. These type of exercises are the easiest and are recommended for the most types of arthritis because they prevent stiffness and keep the joints moving. If your doctor recommends this exercise for natural arthritis relief, you will most likely need to do it at least every other day. The second type of exercise is strengthening exercises. These exercises include specific exercises that work the muscle but do not move the joint, as well as exercises that work both the joints and the muscles. These exercises build strong muscles around problem joints to better support the joint. The third and last exercise your doctor might recommend for natural arthritis pain relief is endurance exercise. These exercises will increase your heart rate and improve your cardiovascular condition. However, not all people can do endurance exercises, which is why it is so important to talk to your doctor before beginning an exercise routine for natural arthritis pain relief.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Get Relief With Back Pain Massage Therapy

One of the strongest anatomical parts of the body is the back. This is due to the fact that the back or the spinal column supports the skull, the majority of the upper body weight, facilitates bending and flexing of the upper torso, etc.

Generally, the muscles of the back are sufficiently strong enough to handle the day to day activities of normal movement. However, there are circumstances or events that can adversely affect the muscles of the back which can result in severe pain in the back even when moderate movement is conducted. Some of those circumstances or events that may cause muscle pain can be due to being overweight, lack of exercise, poor posture, sleeping on a poor mattress, not stretching the muscles prior to exercise, etc.

Fortunately, for back pain caused by these types of circumstances, there is relief. That relief for pain can be through the use of medication and back pain massage therapy as well as water therapy.

When an individual experiences any type of pain, the first source of relief for that pain is through the medicine bottle. When it comes to back pain this solution is often the first choice.

However, usually the only pain medication that would be available for individuals to help offset some of the back pain that they are experiencing is through over-the-counter medication. Generally this over-the-counter medication consists of aspirin or acetaminophen. In cases of moderate back pain this type of medication is usually sufficient.

In addition, if the pain is severe an individual may want to be examined by their physician in hopes of receiving a prescription medication to help offset the back pain. Often, a doctor will prescribe a muscle relaxant or anti-inflammatory medication. In severe cases the doctor may prescribe a strong pain relief medication such as a narcotic medication.

If the individual wants to utilize a therapy treatment rather than medication to relieve the pain there are a number of options available for that individual. Two of those therapy processes include back pain massage therapy and water therapy for back pain.

The difference between the two types of therapy is that back pain massage therapy is done by a therapist who utilizes their hands and fingers to massage the area that is experiencing the pain. The result of back pain massage therapy is that the muscles are stimulated and the blood flow to the affected area is enhanced. This back pain massage therapy helps to lessen the pain and facilitate the healing process.

Additionally, water therapy for back pain utilizes an exercise program that is conducted in water. Specifically, because of the fact that water helps to buoy the body, the muscles are not relied on as much. This in turn helps the individual to exercise the area without causing additional damage or pain and aids in promoting flexibility. Subsequently, the muscles are strengthened which in turn can help avoid episodes of back pain in the future.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Getting Relief for Your Arthritis Pain

If you are one of the many people who suffer from arthritis, chances are you are searching for some sort of arthritis relief. Arthritis is painful and is often a debilitating condition. People who suffer from arthritis want, and need, relief. There are several different ways that you can get arthritis relief, from natural arthritis relief remedies to medicated arthritis relief.

In some cases, your arthritis may be caused by something like two joints rubbing together. For example, this is common among people who have bunions. While nothing can get rid of arthritis when you have it, a surgery to fix the problem can stop more arthritis from forming. With the bunion example, a bunionectomy can remove the bunion and stop the joints from rubbing together and causing more arthritis. This is one medical form of arthritis relief.

Another medical form of arthritis relief is medicine. If your arthritis is bad, you should not feel guilty for needing to take pain killers. Many over the counter pain killers like Aleve and Bayer Aspirin work wonders in keeping the arthritis symptoms at bay. However, these pills will only mask the appearance of symptoms and will not cure your arthritis.

If you do not like the idea of surgery or popping pills for your pain, you can always try the all natural route. Make sure that you talk to your doctor before embarking on any holistic medicine journey for your arthritis relief to confirm that you are healthy enough to do so.

There are many different forms of natural arthritis relief. One popular form is acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient medicinal art that relieves pressure in the body. People swear by acupuncture for getting arthritis relief. The best thing about it is that if it does not work, there is no harm done. This is unlike the traditional medical community. If you take a pill and it does not work, you still never know what it did inside of your body!

Another great natural form of arthritis relief is massage. Massage can keep you from getting tense and it can also keep ligaments and tendons taunt and where they should be so that bones stay properly aligned. In addition to massage, if your arthritis is caused by misaligned bones or joints, you should see a chiropractor to have that fixed. It could give you some arthritis relief!

Remember, before you try anything to relieve your arthritis, talk to your doctor.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Look at Your Options in Back Pain Therapy

There are many causes of back pain. Some of those causes could include improper lifting of objects, twisting the upper trunk of the body in a wrong way, not sufficiently warming or stretching the muscles prior to exercise, poor posture, sleeping wrong, etc.

In addition, an individual who is suffering from back pain can experience serious discomfort due to the fact that the back muscles interact so much with an individual’s movement. Therefore, it is important to know what sorts of therapies are available for back pain.

Specifically, three of those therapies for back pains could include the use of medication, exercising or use of water therapy for back pain.

There are many medications that are available to an individual who is suffering from back pain. Generally, the medication that is chosen to address the pain is dependent upon the severity of the backache. For example if an individual has moderate pain they may be able to control the discomfort through over-the-counter medication. That medication could include aspirin or acetaminophen.

In addition, if the pain is more severe, there are other more potent medicines available. For example the physician could write a prescription for a muscle relaxant or if the back muscles are inflamed, due to a strain, the doctor may prescribe an anti-inflammatory medication or if there is severe pain the physician may prescribe a narcotic medicine.

Another treatment method that may be indicated is for the individual to begin a exercise program and one that concentrates on the lower back. This plan of action has two specific goals in mind.

The first goal is to loosen the tightness of the muscles in the back and help in the healing process. The second goal of this strategy is to strengthen the muscles of the back so that episodes of back pain are minimized.

One other beneficial method is water therapy for back pain. Water therapy for back pain obviously uses warm water in a pool or water tank setting.

The benefits of water therapy for back pain are due to the properties of water and the fact that the body is more buoyant in water. This buoyancy places less strain on the back and allows the individual to perform exercises that helps to loosen the muscles. In addition, the warm water brings soothing relief to the muscles as well as increasing blood circulation to the area.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Benefits of Outpatient Programs for Alcoholism Treatment

Recovering from alcoholism is difficult and overwhelming, both for the one affected as well as the family. Incorporating outpatient programs for alcoholism treatment has proven successful for many who struggle with alcohol addiction. Choosing an alcoholism treatment facility is the first consideration and over the past few decades, there have been many that have proven track records in outpatient alcoholism treatment. Many patients prefer outpatient programs instead of those that require admittance into a facility for an extended period of time.

By choosing to follow the structure allowed through outpatient, alcoholism treatment methods include participation in a twelve-step program that begins while the patient is still receiving treatment. Inpatient programs have a more structured environment that includes these twelve step meetings only after the patient has been discharged. Further, many feel stifled and can sometimes become resentful by the structure found with inpatient stays, thus defeating the purpose of the program.

Often, it's not until a medical scare that an alcoholic will choose treatment. Alcoholism is the leading cause of premature death in this country. This fear can often prevent medically ill patients from admitting themselves into conventional in-patient programs. This is where an outpatient alcoholism treatment option can come into play and allow for the patient to seek help while still being free to pursue medical attention without the confines of admittance into a hospital.

Unfortunately, it's sometimes not until a medical emergency forces an alcoholic to face his own mortality. This is overwhelming to all of us, but to an alcoholic, it deals a double blow. He must choose to stop the addictive behaviors that might have led to the medical illness or run the risk of the problems worsening. Those who were hospitalized for illnesses associated with alcoholism didn't fare as well when receiving alcoholism treatment simultaneously. However, those who chose to participate in an outpatient program after being released from the hospital fared far better.

Regardless if a patient chooses inpatient or outpatient alcoholism treatment facilities, the goal is to receive treatment that will improve the quality of life, including his or her health, as well as the proper techniques and solutions that lead to abstinence from alcohol. The physical and emotional health of alcoholics, as well as the family members affected by this disease, stand to improve immensely after the loved one successfully completes treatment and then follows up with a twelve step program.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Alcoholism and New Treatment Methods

In the past five years, there have been several new drugs that have been submitted for FDA approval. These drugs, in combination with traditional therapies for alcoholism, such as outpatient treatment and well proven twelve-step programs, promise new hope for alcoholics and their families. With so much research on how the brain and body become dependent on alcohol, there's a new understanding of addiction in general. At any given time, there are approximately fifty trials that involve alcoholism.

New mindsets have begun to turn the tide in the way addiction is viewed and as a result, new treatment methods are being developed. Those opposing the "trading evils" mentality insist the only one proven, and most likely, the only successful programs for the long haul are the traditional twelve step programs. Despite success in early drug tests, there's only limited excitement regarding the potentially life saving pharmaceuticals geared specifically for alcoholism. New treatments have always been received with some skepticism. That might be because many experts believe it's a behavioral disorder versus a disease.

Still, most everyone agrees that efforts dealing with alcoholism treatment methods, new treatments or traditional methods, do best with a multi-tiered approach. These new drugs, should they receive FDA approval, will most likely be prescribed as part of an on-going and multi-layered approach that will include some form of counseling. With so many environmental factors, including job losses, foreclosures and other stresses that are triggers for alcoholics, everyone agrees the more ammunition for alcoholism, whether new treatment or traditional methods, is always ideal.

The Federal and Drug Administration must give its stamp of approval before any new pharmaceuticals are released for widespread use in this country. This process can take years. Despite the extended turn around time, several of these drugs have already made it through clinical trials and are anticipating approval within the very near future.

Another interesting fact regarding the FDA is it only allows a drug company to market a new product exclusively for sixty months; after that, others are allowed to market their own versions as generics. These generics often are the only way many can afford what are otherwise expensive drugs. It's usually then a better grasp of how successful these drugs are is revealed.

Despite the complexities in treating alcoholism, these new treatment methods promise hope as new doors are opened that can lead to successful lives without the inclusion of alcohol addiction.

Dealing with Your Allergy Symptoms Naturally

Maybe your allergy medicine just isn’t as effective as it used to be. Or you're tired of pouring all those synthetic ingredients into your body and want to look at some healthier alternatives. Fortunately for you, there are lots of natural approaches to allergy relief that are both healthy and effective.

No doubt you've read that omega 3 fatty acids are a healthy choice for your body. It's been demonstrated that they help to prevent numerous diseases and just generally enhance your health. Particularly interesting to note is that those who consume a lot of omega 3 fatty acids tend to experience fewer allergies. You can add more of this wonder nutrient to your diet by consuming fish, flax seed, and various nuts. Or you could take a supplement; just be careful that the product you're taking is safe and effective.

Another natural allergy relief compound is known as quercitin, which helps to prevent your body from manufacturing histamines. It's also an antioxidant, which means it can lower your chances of developing various forms of cancer. Quercitin in available in many foods such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, and apples, as well as vegetables such as lettuce, broccoli, and parsley. It's even found in tea and wine. However, you’ll probably get the best relief if you take a supplement.

Weeds are probably the last thing you'd think of when it comes to treating allergies. But strangely enough, stinging nettles and butterbur are weeds that have been shown to lower the production of histamine in the body. They are available in supplement form, or you can purchase the plants and make them into a tea.

Another more natural approach to allergy treatment is called sublingual immunotherapy. This is a less invasive alternative to allergy shots which involves administering the treatment under the tongue. Allergy shots involve injecting a small amount of allergen under the skin on a regular basis for a period of time. Eventually, the patient builds up a tolerance and no longer needs medication to control allergies. However, sometimes an adverse reaction occurs when these allergens are injected into the body. With sublingual immunotherapy, the chances of this happening are much reduced, but the benefits are still there.

If you'd really like to avoid putting anything into your body, natural or chemical, then neti pots are a good option. With these gadgets, you pour water and salt through your sinuses. This helps to flush allergens out of your sinuses and prevent an allergic reaction before it gets going. They’re completely safe, and have been used for centuries.

Another option you don't want to overlook is investing in an air purifier. By removing allergens and other contaminants from the air in your home, they eliminate many of the triggers that lead to an allergy attack. HEPA air purifiers, in particular, are highly effective at cleaning the air.

An advantage of using natural products is that they can supplement traditional allergy medications for added protection. Be sure to check with your doctor to make sure there are no potential interactions or side effects. Keep in mind, too, that natural treatments can take a while to work, so you should start using them before allergy season to get a head start.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Type 2 Diabetes: Causes and Symptoms

The only good thing about Type 2 diabetes is that it is a type of diabetes that does not require having to take daily injections of insulin which is the case for sufferers of Type 1 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is in fact also considered as being diabetes that affects adults more than young children and typically its symptoms are mostly only noticeable in people that have reached their early forties. However, of late an alarming and disturbing trend is that Type 2 diabetes has also begun affecting adolescents.

Another disturbing bit of information regarding Type 2 diabetes is that often the symptoms are not detected until after several years of its onset and the reason for this is that the early symptoms are generally very mild and so not easily noticeable.

At the same time, Type 2 diabetes is also the most common form of diabetes and obesity in particular is a major reason why this condition develops. It is therefore a wise course of action to shun the fast food joints though this is rather hard to do given the affliction of modern society to eat junk food. No doubt, eating fast food is more convenient though at the same time there are numerous health risks to worry about mainly on account of the high amount of fat and sugar that is present in most fast foods.

Type 2 diabetes is different than Type 1 diabetes in that it occurs despite the patient’s body being able to produce sufficient quantities of insulin that are so useful in breaking down foods. There are very many different symptoms that will be experienced for Type 2 diabetes and a common symptom is when a cut takes extraordinarily long time to heal. In addition, feelings of fatigue and experiencing blurred vision as well as losing weight for no apparent reason are other common symptoms of Type 2 diabetes.

Once noticed, Type 2 diabetes symptoms must be treated as soon as possible. When the liver starts producing excessive quantities of glucose the diabetic will start to experience these symptoms. Other reasons for the onset of Type 2 diabetes include the environment in which the patient lives in and also abnormal quantities of insulin as well as genetic factors, age and obesity as too alcoholism.

It is possible to control Type 2 diabetes through making an effort to keep the body weight under control and to exercise regularly as well as switch to a healthier and better balanced diet.