Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Type 2 Diabetes: Causes and Symptoms

The only good thing about Type 2 diabetes is that it is a type of diabetes that does not require having to take daily injections of insulin which is the case for sufferers of Type 1 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is in fact also considered as being diabetes that affects adults more than young children and typically its symptoms are mostly only noticeable in people that have reached their early forties. However, of late an alarming and disturbing trend is that Type 2 diabetes has also begun affecting adolescents.

Another disturbing bit of information regarding Type 2 diabetes is that often the symptoms are not detected until after several years of its onset and the reason for this is that the early symptoms are generally very mild and so not easily noticeable.

At the same time, Type 2 diabetes is also the most common form of diabetes and obesity in particular is a major reason why this condition develops. It is therefore a wise course of action to shun the fast food joints though this is rather hard to do given the affliction of modern society to eat junk food. No doubt, eating fast food is more convenient though at the same time there are numerous health risks to worry about mainly on account of the high amount of fat and sugar that is present in most fast foods.

Type 2 diabetes is different than Type 1 diabetes in that it occurs despite the patient’s body being able to produce sufficient quantities of insulin that are so useful in breaking down foods. There are very many different symptoms that will be experienced for Type 2 diabetes and a common symptom is when a cut takes extraordinarily long time to heal. In addition, feelings of fatigue and experiencing blurred vision as well as losing weight for no apparent reason are other common symptoms of Type 2 diabetes.

Once noticed, Type 2 diabetes symptoms must be treated as soon as possible. When the liver starts producing excessive quantities of glucose the diabetic will start to experience these symptoms. Other reasons for the onset of Type 2 diabetes include the environment in which the patient lives in and also abnormal quantities of insulin as well as genetic factors, age and obesity as too alcoholism.

It is possible to control Type 2 diabetes through making an effort to keep the body weight under control and to exercise regularly as well as switch to a healthier and better balanced diet.

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