Saturday, May 30, 2009

Natural Teething Relief: Organic Teething Biscuit

One of the painful growing experiences for an infant is the teething process. The teething process is actually the natural growth of the body in which the teeth begin to push into the mouth through the gums. Generally, this teething process can begin when the child turns three months old on up to one year of age.

Obviously this process can cause the baby some discomfort and pain. In addition, some of the symptoms associated with teething can include running a low-grade temperature and excessive drooling.

Therefore, the parents will want to bring comfort to child during this teething process. There are a number of products that can help to facilitate this goal. Some of those products can include a teething ring and a teething biscuit. If considering a teething biscuit, it is important to know what a teething biscuit is and the choice of using an organic teething biscuit.

A teething biscuit is a fairly solid cookie like product that helps the young infant through their teething process. Specifically, the gnawing on a feeding biscuit brings temporary relief for the teething infant as well as providing a bit of distraction from the discomfort.

In addition, when the baby is teething they sometimes lose their appetite. Therefore, when the baby chews on the teething biscuit they also receive a little bit of nourishment.

Also, it is important to only give a teething biscuit to a small baby when they are capable of handling semisolid food. This will help to ensure that the infant does not choke on any large pieces of the teething biscuit.

Therefore, if choosing a teething biscuit to help the child through this process, there are a number of options available to the parent. One of those options is to utilize organic teething biscuits.

An organic teething biscuit is an edible product that is made without preservatives or the adding of any fillers. In addition, an organic teething biscuit can be one in which no sugar is made in the manufacturing of the product.

Therefore, through the use of an organic teething biscuit the parent does not need to worry about the child having any reactions or the ingesting of any chemicals that may not be conducive to the child’s health.

Often, these organic teething biscuits can be found in many quality grocery stores, health food stores or by going online. You can also make your own biscuits using a baby teething biscuit recipe. In addition, it is important to check the labels of the products to make sure that the ingredients listed do not contain any chemicals or preservatives.

Usually, certified organic food substances are labeled accordingly with the branding that signifies that the product is organic. These products are held to that standard of processing as well as the ingredients used.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

HPV Genital Warts Explained

Genital Human Papilloma Virus or HPV is generally contracted through sexual intercourse with a partner that already has a HPV condition. Once a person becomes infected with HPV then the chance of contracting HPV genital warts rises dramatically especially as this is one of the most common of all conditions that people can contract just from indulging in sexual activity. Both women and men are equally prone to suffering from HPV genital warts and in fact there are more than forty different types of HPV to also be worried about.

HPV genital warts affects the skin as too mucous membranes that lie in the vicinity of the genitals and typically the anus, cervix and the rectum are areas that are most likely to be infected as too is the penis and the vaginal lining too is highly at risk. The incidence of HPV genital warts is very high and in the US alone there are an estimated more than twenty million people that suffer from this condition.

In fact, more than fifty percent of people that engage in sexual activity are also likely to develop HPV genital warts and worse still the condition can be transmitted from an infected person to another person through skin contact of the genital areas and therefore it is not a condition that only gets transmitted through sexual intercourse.

Another worrying aspect to dealing with HPV genital warts is that often the condition does not display any symptoms that in turn mean that the person with a HPV genital warts infection can have the condition without even being aware that they have become infected. What this means is that if the condition is not diagnosed in time or is treated when the infection is not too serious there is risk that other more serious conditions can arise including even cancer.

Some common HPV genital warts symptoms that you need to be aware about include development of small sized bumps that look pinkish and are shaped in the form of a cauliflower. Also, there may also be some amount of bleeding from your urethra and this too is a symptom that should warn you that you have developed HPV genital warts.

As long as the HPV genital warts are noticeable the best HPV genital warts treatment would be to actually remove the warts. However, it does presuppose that your immune system is strong enough to withstand the procedure to remove the warts and in addition the size as well as type of wart too plays an important role in deciding how and when to remove the warts.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Tips for Effective Genital Wart Removal

Obviously, if a person is suffering from a case of genital warts, the one thing that they will look for is knows what it takes to affect genital wart removal. The fact of the matter is that genital warts are rather ugly and painful and they can itch as well as bleed which in turn can drive you nuts because having to endure all these discomforts can prove to be truly maddening. Fortunately, there are several methods that can be tried out for affecting genital wart removal and the first among different methods is ensuring that you consult a doctor.

Though genital warts can cause a lot of embarrassment to you it should not prevent you from allowing a doctor to examine the condition and then confirm that the spots on your body are in fact those of genital warts. Once diagnosed, you can then heed your doctor’s advice and seek suitable treatment.

There are basically 5 different genital wart removal methods that you should be aware of and these include cryotherapy, electrocautery and laser removal as too chemical treatment and finally you can choose surgery. Cryotherapy can prove to be effective for genital wart removal and it involves applying liquidized nitrogen to the genital warts in a bid to freeze them off. Such a genital wart removal method is in the main ideally suited for removing warts from the cervix.

Electrocautery is another suitable genital wart removal method in which the wart is heated to a degree that it (the wart) is made to burn away. In certain instances use of alpha-interferon can help after having been injected more than a few times in a week and the treatment will generally last for a number of weeks in a bid to reduce or even eliminate the genital warts.

If you are looking for an especially quick genital wart removal method then there is nothing to beat laser removal while for removal of large sized genital warts you would do well to opt for surgery. And, if you wish to destroy the tissues then you need to try using chemical treatment though this option can lead to irritation of the skin and it is also not useful for use on internal genital warts in places such as the vagina or even the anus.

It is common knowledge that genital warts are transmitted from an infected person to someone either through sexual intercourse or through contact with the infected person’s genital area. It is not so well known how to remove genital warts though fortunately there are a few methods that you can learn from your doctor that will help you get rid of the problem. Because the incidence of genital warts is pretty high (to put it mildly) there is certainly a pressing need to be well informed about the proper genital wart removal methods.

Friday, May 15, 2009

How to Help With Signs Of Late Teething

For some children, new teeth appear without much of a problem at all. You may notice a few signs of late teething – the drooling, the chewing, maybe a low fever, but nothing that really interrupts your day. For others, teething is a huge deal, with weeks of irritability and crying just to see one small tooth erupt. For these children, when you see signs of late teething you need to know what you can do to help.

The largest problem with teething for children getting their first teeth is usually the pain of those sharp incisors cutting through the gums. If your child is more sensitive to that sort of pain or pressure on the gums, he will likely be irritable because of the pain. With this sign of late teething, you will know the child hurts – and you will probably want to ease his pain.

Many parents automatically turn to the drugstore for pain relief. Acetaminophen can be used to help relieve the pain of teething. Fever is also common in a teething child, though it should be just a persistent low grade fever. If the fever is high, there is likely something else going on and you might want to take your child to the doctor. There's also a chance the toddler has an ear infection, as those are also more common at this age, though less common in a child who is breastfed.

For other parents, they prefer to not give their child drugs for pain relief. There are homeopathic teething tablets that many people say are very effective at relieving the pain associated with teething. For some parents, at the first sign of teething, late or early, they get a box of homeopathic teething tablets. They can be found at the drugstore.

Be sure your baby is getting enough sleep. Teething children tend to wake up more at night, as there are less distractions and the pain seems more acute. Your child may need to get more naps.

Often, chewing on something helps with the pain of teething. Whether it is a store-bought chew toy or frozen wet washcloth, having something cold to chomp down on can help. Also, eating things that are cold – like applesauce, or frozen peas – can also relieve the pain.

Some children enjoy having their gums rubbed or to be allowed to gnaw on a parent's finger. When you see signs of late teething, you can try rubbing the child's gums to see if they like it. One place to not allow them to gnaw is on mother's nipple – a breastfeeding toddler or child cannot bite Mom while nursing, because of the tongue placement, so if he bites, the feeding can be over, and the child encouraged to bite a more suitable item. Please don't holler or scream out, though, as that can frighten the child into a nursing strike, where they give up that which gives them the most comfort. At this time, the child needs more comfort and love, not less.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Recognizing Genital Warts Symptoms

The first thought that comes to anyone’s mind with the words of warts is an old wrinkled witch with a big mole or wart at the tip of her nose, it just seems to stand out more than anything else, and always seems to be looking right at you. And it doesn’t matter what you do, it just seems to stay in your view continuously, growing more and more with every glimpse you take of it.

Luckily if you are one of the two ratios that suffer from signs and symptoms of genital warts in their life, mankind made clothing to cover them up at least. You would never know if you suffered any of the genital warts symptoms, as there are none. There are no genital warts symptoms that can let you know early enough that you have caught the virus at all. The virus that causes genital warts is only one of many, but unfortunately is classified as a STD.

Even if you were pregnant, and this is more prevalent then as your bodies hormones are out of control and you may not suffer any of the genital warts symptoms, but you will find that with having regular checkups that they can spread to the baby and also be one of the causes for cervical cancer if not treated. The virus can never be totally destroyed in your system, but the physical warts can be treated either by freezing them if they are externally or by use of laser treatment.

Now you may have thought you never kissed a frog before to get any genital warts symptoms to let you know they were on their way, causing you distress and maybe some embarrassment if you are sexually active. However, if you know for sure after you have gone for a pap smear at your gynecologist, you will be informed that you have active cells that shouldn’t be there.

You will be informed if they are cancerous or not, or if they are from the warts you may have contracted somewhere. If you happen to have a stable partner it is important that both of you get seen to, to avoid further infection and spreading of the virus. If you were expecting to have genital warts symptoms think again, as every disease does not let you know they exist until way down the line, same as with AIDS. Your best bet is to just abstain if you are aware that you have any STD or genital warts, and get the matter seen to urgently.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Teething Symptoms: Why You Should Relax

No one likes having an unhappy child. The crying, the fussiness – even the slight fever and drooling – all make for stressed parents. It doesn't have to be that way! There are several reasons you can – and should – relax when your baby or toddler has teething symptoms.

Since the beginning of time, the youngest of our species has been cutting teeth. While rarely babies are born with one or more teeth, it is highly unusual – most babies don't get that first tooth until between four and seven month of age. At the early end of the scale are those who get a tooth at three months, and some babies don't get any teeth until after they have their first birthday. Whenever it happens, celebrate that first tooth and write down the day you notice the tooth peeking through the gum.

Like most things, there is a natural order to which teeth come in when. First, the middle two in the bottom will appear, then the top middle two. Next the ones along the sides, finishing with the molars at the back. Toddlers with teething symptoms getting their molars can be more extreme, as those big teeth with relatively flat tops can hurt a lot as they cut through the sensitive gums. Usually the back molars – bringing the mouthful of baby teeth to twenty – are in by the third birthday. These teeth remain in the mouth until the permanent teeth start coming in about age six.

Despite the unpleasant nature of babies and toddlers with teething symptoms (especially YOUR child) this period won't go on too long. Despite the whining, fussing, and slight fever, the teeth will come in and the fussiness will go away. Maybe not as soon as you would wish, but it won't last forever. At the greatest, the time of teething symptoms for toddlers and babies is from about six months until about three years of age, with some months going by without any discomfort at all.

If your child gets his teeth early (generally considered before five months) that's just fine. The same goes for signs of late teething (generally considered to be the first tooth erupting after a year of age). There are plenty of old wives tales to explain what this means, but the bottom line is that – in a healthy child – the age of teething and teething symptoms in toddlers and babies is primarily heredity. If you were an early (or late) teether, chances are great your baby will follow that same pattern for developing teeth that you did. If you are still concerned, ask your pediatrician if it is something to worry about.

It is great to know that there are things you can do to comfort your teething toddler or baby. Chewing on something cold can help – like a teething toy or a frozen wet washcloth, or even frozen peas, as can eating cold things, like applesauce or pudding. Some parents don't mind using medicines, like acetaminophen. For those who avoid such things, there are homeopathic teething tablets that can help a lot.

When those things are not enough for your baby or toddler's teething symptoms, remember that often the best comfort for your baby is to be held in the arms of someone they love. You can hold them close and tell them that it will get better – as it inevitably does.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Options For a Vaginal Yeast Infection Cure

The main reason why women develop vaginal yeast infections is because their vaginas contain too much of the bacteria commonly known as Candida albicans. The use of antibiotics over an extended period of time can lead to the development of the Candida bacteria. These antibiotics may be used to treat other infections and will kill off harmful bacteria but over a longer period of time they can also destroy good bacteria. This makes for ideal conditions for Candida albicans to proliferate and cause vaginal yeast infection.

Before you start searching for the best vaginal yeast infection cure you need to first of all be sure beyond any doubt that your condition is indeed a yeast infection. The fact of the matter is that many other conditions have symptoms that are similar to a yeast infection which means it is easy to confuse your actual problem.

Having positively identified the symptoms as being related to vaginal yeast infection it is then up to you to pick from one or more possible vaginal yeast infection cures. You can check out different medicines, over the counter and otherwise, that take about a week or ten days to remove the symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection.

A typical over the counter vaginal yeast infection cure involves inserting a suppository or cream into your vagina with the help of a tube, and sometimes also applying cream to the exterior of the vagina. You can make your yeast infection cure more effective by taking pills orally at the same time you are using a topical treatment. When you use suppositories or creams, be prepared to put up with some unpleasant odor, and make sure to protect your clothes from staining.

Some women prefer an alternative vaginal yeast infection cure such as homeopathy that often features the use of Acidophilus.

If the vaginal yeast infection cure that you try doesn't give results within the amount of time that the product states, you need to visit your doctor. It pays to understand the causes of vaginal yeast infection as the clearer you are in your mind about the cause of the problem, the better will be your chances of finding the right cure.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Adult Anger Management Class

Anger happens to everyone from time to time. A car cuts you off on the way to work, your son mouths off to you for the umpteenth time or a co-worker takes the credit for your idea and work. It's perfectly normal to get mad in these situations, but some folks let that anger take control until it becomes destructive to them and those around them. If you find your anger getting in the way of your life and relationships more often than you'd like, perhaps it is time to consider an adult anger management class. These sessions can help you get the emotions that accompany anger in check for a more peaceful quality of life and even improved physical health.

For people who need help controlling their anger, there is a choice between private counseling sessions with a professional or an adult anger management class. There are many benefits to choosing a class over individual counseling sessions – at least as a first step in controlling temper. First, an adult anger management class may allow you to meet others who share a similar problem. You have the opportunity to bond and support each other as you work through your anger issues. Another plus is that a class may be less expensive than private counseling, making it a good option to start with in controlling temper. In some cases, a free anger management class might even be offered through a local school, church or hospital.

An adult anger management class may be a generalized approach to controlling anger or it may be specifically geared toward a particular group or issue. For example, there are courses designed to help couples make marriage better and others for adults who are dealing with the stress of caring for a disabled or aging relative. Some classes are for parents in particular, because they teach strategies that can be used to gain control of the household without using temper to bring children to submission. If you want to get your anger under control for a particular reason, a specific adult anger management class may be the right choice for you.

Many people find that when they are under a great deal of stress, anger becomes much harder to control. This is why an adult anger management class that works specifically with stress management techniques is helpful. These classes may focus directly on getting stress under control, since adults who keep their stress in check will be able to successfully manage their anger as well. If you are shopping for an adult anger management class, it is always a good idea to ask if stress busting strategies will be included in the session.

Anger is a normal emotion, but it can also be a very destructive one. If your personal and professional life is suffering because your anger is out of control, check out the availability of an adult anger management class today.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Toxic Mold Illness: Treat it Seriously

Have you been feeling unwell lately? If you answered yes to that question, could you be suffering from toxic mold illness? Toxic mold thrives in damp or moist areas of buildings. It can be found in homes, schools, places of work or any other type of building you can possibly think of. Though there have been legitimate cases of toxic mold illness they are very difficult to prove. Sometimes ailments that have been attributed to toxic mold illness were actually caused by something else.

The list of ailments that have been associated with toxic mold illness is really quite extensive. Allergies like nasal congestion, skin complaints, eye irritation and asthma have been attributed to toxic mold illness. It has also been linked to respiratory diseases, pulmonary hemorrhage, shortness of breath, dry coughs, chronic fatigue, diarrhea, fever, neurological problems, immune suppression, cancer and even death.

Many people have tried to sue their employer or landlord because of ailments that they say are caused by toxic mold illness. Unfortunately these cases can be very difficult to prove and the party being sued will point to other causes other than mold. In some cases there is enough evidence to prove a link between a symptom and toxic mold illness. However, many such court cases have been lost so think carefully before taking legal action over toxic mold illness.

Do you believe that you are suffering from symptoms that are causes by toxic mold illness? If you have toxic mold growing in your home then chances are you probably know about it. You can see mold growing and it also has a distinctive smell. It is often found in bathrooms and places that have been exposed to water damage.

If you can see or smell toxic mold a clean up is necessary. You can clean mold up with soapy water in most cases. If the problem is particularly stubborn you may need to use bleach to get rid of it. If you use bleach do not mix it with any other household cleaner because this can create poisonous gases.

Another way of ensuring that your family is safe from toxic mold illness is to make certain that it does not grow in the first place. Always keep your home well ventilated, especially in the bathroom and kitchen areas. Take the appropriate measures necessary to protect your garage and basement from water damage in the event of a flood. Purchase a dehumidifier so that your home does not become damp.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Getting Treatment For Genital Warts

If you are someone who has developed genital warts, you want treatment fast. The warts are embarrassing, painful and can even be quite frightening. The good news is that there are effective treatments for genital warts. The bad news is that while you can treat genital warts you cannot cure the underlying virus that causes them.

Put simply, genital warts are a type of sexually transmitted disease caused by the human papillomavirus, or HPV. There are approximately 130 strains of HPV currently identified but there are two subtypes of HPV in particular responsible for causing genital warts. These two subtypes, known simply as subtypes 6 and 11, are believed to cause 90% of all genital wart infections. Luckily doctors have come up a variety of treatments for genital warts.

Typically, doctors can diagnose decide treatments for genital warts just be seeing the affected area. Once a doctor determines that you do have genial warts, they have a multitude of genital wart treatment options to give you. Depending on the size and location of the genital warts, treatment will vary.

The first things a doctor will use as a genital wart treatment are creams. There are different types of creams. Imiquimod cream is popular, for instance. This cream is applied to the affected area. Another treatment for genital warts is a 20% podophyllin anti-mitotic solution that is meant applied to the affected area and later washed off. However, this treatment should not be used if you’re pregnant because it is absorbed through the skin and can cause birth defects. Another of the creams, 5% 5-fluorouracil cream, should not be used if you are attempting to get pregnant.

For smaller genital warts, treatment involves freezing them off like you do with warts that occur in other areas like the hands. You also have the option of burning the warts off or even having lasers cut them off. For larger warts that do not seem to be responding to regular treatments, surgery is sometimes employed to remove them. There is also a drug that can be injected into warts that keep returning but the injection is very expensive and is not any more effective at making them stay gone than other treatments. Home treatments for genital warts are typically not as effective either.

It’s important to know that while these genital wart treatments get rid of the warts themselves they do not get rid of the underlying HPV infection. HPV cannot be cured, and that’s why there’s a risk that genital warts will reoccur. Despite that, however, most genital wart treatments are effective, even if it’s only in the short term, and even a short time without the painful symptoms is beneficial.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Identifying a Mold Allergy

A mold allergy can seem at first like a harmless cold but it one that never seems to clear up completely. If you find that you are allergic to mold then it is time to get some mold allergy relief and be rid of all your annoying symptoms. You can experience this allergy both indoors and outdoors.

Just as people with pollen allergies experience their allergies during a certain period of time during the year, there is a particular time of the year when your mold allergies will really act up. However it is possible to suffer from a mold allergy all year round.

Mold allergy symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of pollen allergy. An allergic reaction to mold might also be mistaken for a cold. Common symptoms include sneezing, itching, nasal congestion, dry scaly skin, and in serious cases can cause asthma attacks.

You might mistake a mold allergy for hay fever but a good indicator that you are suffering from an allergic reaction to mold is if the symptoms get worse in a damp, moldy area. The symptoms are not always immediate, but if you suffer from the symptoms after being exposed to a damp area, such as a basement, then you are most likely suffering from mold allergies.

You may be more vulnerable to a mold allergy if you already suffer from allergies to pet dander, dust mites, pollen, and other spores. You may also develop this allergy after constant exposure to spores. Some occupations such as working in a mill, bakery, carpentry, working in winery may increase your chances of developing this allergy.

If you are allergic to mold your doctor can perform a skin test, the skin is scratched or pricked with different types of fungi extracts. A skin test along with a medical history and physical examination will help your doctor diagnose a mold allergy.

Once you have been diagnosed with a mold allergy you will most likely be prescribed medication to treat the symptoms. You cannot cure an allergy so the best way to avoid experiencing the symptoms is to avoid contact with mold spores. If you experience the mold allergy at home then it is time to find the cause of your symptoms and have your home cleaned of any mold spores. You might need a professional to do this to avoid exacerbating your allergic reaction and to thoroughly clean your home.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Understanding the Male Yeast Infection Cure

As of the present, not much is really known about any male yeast infection cure. Furthermore, male yeast infection is a condition that is not widely discussed among males because most males that are affected are loathed to discuss or even admit that they have such a problem. Unfortunately, yeast infection is commonly associated with females and this is why men are a bit reticent to discuss a problem that is considered to be mainly a woman’s problem.

However, your female partner should communicate with you in order to understand the common symptoms of male yeast infection and the she should do her best to calm and help her man overcome their fears in regard to having male yeast infection. Not only will proper communication help in finding some form of male yeast infection cure but it will also help in building a stronger relationship which will keep both partners happy.

In fact, if both partners are suffering from yeast infection they can then take a common approach in solving their problems. In other instances, male yeast infection is caused by the taking of certain antibiotics over a lengthy period of time. What’s more, it is harder to find suitable male yeast infection cures because identifying the symptoms of male yeast infection is harder than in the case of women and men can also go for long periods without even realizing that they have developed male yeast infection.

Though not strictly a male yeast infection cure, using anti-fungal treatments can help in alleviating the condition and in addition it can also help reduce the chance of recurrence of the problem. Other than this, a possible male yeast infection cure is to undergo colon cleansing which will help remove toxins as well as waste bacteria and so will get rid of acidity which in turn ensures that the conditions for yeast infection are eliminated.

Other possible male yeast infection cures include using cold coconut oil as well as using garlic. In addition, it pays to try taking warm sitz baths and to consume yogurt on a daily basis. Finally, oregano oil too has been found to be effective in killing yeast.

When male yeast infection occurs most males will immediately start looking for suitable male yeast infection home remedies. Rather than go the usual route and try creams with which to treat male yeast infection it is recommended trying natural remedies. In fact, many of the same home remedies that prove effective in treating female yeast infection can also be tried with good results in treating male yeast infection.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Organic Vegetarian Health Food: Eating Healthy Food

Despite what experts have to say about organic vegetarian health foods, many people are still not convince about the many organic food benefits for them to switch to organic foods. One of the most common arguments against organic vegetarian health food is the price. We all know that organic vegetable health food is mostly sold at premium price. In these times of economic hardships, not many people can really afford to buy expensive products. Another argument that people often use against organic vegetarian health food is that these organic vegetables sold in the market are not really 100% organic so there is no point of paying premium prices on these vegetables.

Yes, these arguments are valid to some degree but we have to understand that there are two sides of the coin. If you do not eat organic food, you will most likely ingest a lot of chemical residues from conventionally produced products. Although you will not feel sick right away after ingest small amounts of chemical residues, your health will eventually suffer in the long run. Experts believe that the rising cases of cancer all over the world may have something to do with the kind of food that we eat. Chemical residues are some of the worst culprits in this case. To reduce the risk of cancer, we need to stir away from those products that are laden with chemicals. There is really no point of going vegetarian if you will only end up eating those conventionally grown fruits and vegetables. We know for a fact that these conventionally grown fruits and vegetables are exposed to chemical sprays and fertilizers that even if we wash them several times, we cannot remove all the chemicals in them.

There are a number of ways to ensure that you eat only 100% organic vegetarian health food. First, you should look of the seal of the United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA) organic seal. Only those products that bear the organic seal of the USDA are considered 95%-100% organic. As per the rules and regulations set by the USDA, only those organic vegetarian health food products that use at least 95% organic ingredients should bear the organic seal of the agency. Manufacturers and producers that violate this rule will be meted with severe punishment.

Another way to ensure that you get real organic vegetarian health food is to produce your own vegetables at home. If you love gardening and you have a backyard where you can produce vegetables, then by all means, do so. Not only will you have enough supply of organic vegetarian health food at home if you plant your own vegetables, you also save a lot of money.