Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Toxic Mold Illness: Treat it Seriously

Have you been feeling unwell lately? If you answered yes to that question, could you be suffering from toxic mold illness? Toxic mold thrives in damp or moist areas of buildings. It can be found in homes, schools, places of work or any other type of building you can possibly think of. Though there have been legitimate cases of toxic mold illness they are very difficult to prove. Sometimes ailments that have been attributed to toxic mold illness were actually caused by something else.

The list of ailments that have been associated with toxic mold illness is really quite extensive. Allergies like nasal congestion, skin complaints, eye irritation and asthma have been attributed to toxic mold illness. It has also been linked to respiratory diseases, pulmonary hemorrhage, shortness of breath, dry coughs, chronic fatigue, diarrhea, fever, neurological problems, immune suppression, cancer and even death.

Many people have tried to sue their employer or landlord because of ailments that they say are caused by toxic mold illness. Unfortunately these cases can be very difficult to prove and the party being sued will point to other causes other than mold. In some cases there is enough evidence to prove a link between a symptom and toxic mold illness. However, many such court cases have been lost so think carefully before taking legal action over toxic mold illness.

Do you believe that you are suffering from symptoms that are causes by toxic mold illness? If you have toxic mold growing in your home then chances are you probably know about it. You can see mold growing and it also has a distinctive smell. It is often found in bathrooms and places that have been exposed to water damage.

If you can see or smell toxic mold a clean up is necessary. You can clean mold up with soapy water in most cases. If the problem is particularly stubborn you may need to use bleach to get rid of it. If you use bleach do not mix it with any other household cleaner because this can create poisonous gases.

Another way of ensuring that your family is safe from toxic mold illness is to make certain that it does not grow in the first place. Always keep your home well ventilated, especially in the bathroom and kitchen areas. Take the appropriate measures necessary to protect your garage and basement from water damage in the event of a flood. Purchase a dehumidifier so that your home does not become damp.

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