Sunday, July 26, 2009

Plans for Overcoming Food Addiction

Junk food addictions are common in our society today. It is typical for a family or individual to have such a busy schedule that they do not have the time to prepare a meal at home. When this is the case, they are often at fast food restaurants to pick up an easy meal instead. These fast foods are not filled with nutritious ingredients in most cases and are often filled with ingredients that make them more appealing and also more addictive. It is also easy for people on the go to snack on junk food when in the car rather than eating a full meal. They will often think that this constant snacking is not really affecting them, even as they see their weight begin to rise. Overcoming food addictions is difficult and takes a lot of planning and accountability in most cases for it to work.

Often a food addiction can only be overcome by consulting a counselor. Food addictions are often started because there are some emotional issues that have not been dealt with in the person's life. These issues can be old issues, such as from childhood, but they can also be present day issues that they do not have the skills to adequately deal with them. When this is the case, utilizing the help of a counselor to deconstruct those stressful times and teach the people more skills to deal with those issues is vital to overcoming a food addiction.

Overcoming food addiction does not happen overnight in most cases. It takes determination, careful planning and reliance on an accountability partner that will ask tough questions yet also be there for the person when he is feeling weak. Many times it is helpful to go to a twelve step group for overcoming food addictions because then there are group meetings for people to share, listen and be accountable, as well as sponsors that each person that wants one is partnered with so that they can turn to them when they need help. These sponsors know what overcoming a food addiction is like because they are only a little further ahead in the process themselves. That way, there is mutual encouragement in the process as well as understanding when times get tough.

Overcoming a food addiction also means that certain foods are not brought into the home. That means that these foods are not bought in the grocery store or bought at a fast food restaurant on the way home. It might mean that for awhile the person will have to go to the store with a friend, or that they might have to take different routes home so that they are not tempted to binge.

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