Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Self-help For Internet Addiction

There is probably no one who has used the internet and fallen in love with it. There is so much to do on the internet, right from chatting, playing games, blogging, auctioning, porn; the list is almost endless. But do you know there are species who spend almost all waking hours of day or night in front of their computer logged on to internet. These people are called as internet addicts. This article is a self-help article on internet addiction. First we will see what the symptoms of internet addiction are and then we will go through the self-help on internet addiction.

Do behave normally when you are not using internet? Do you get extremely anxious when interacting with a group of people? Do you feel uneasy if you are not gaming, blogging or chatting? Do you spend most of your waking hours in front of your computer connected to the internet? If the answer to all of the questions posed above is yes, then you definitely are internet addict. The next part will tell you, how to stop internet addiction.

How many RSS subscriptions do you have? Probably thousands of them. Now do you really need all those subscription, even if the answer is yes, how many of those subscriptions do you truly follow? Most of the RSS feeds that you receive are from blogs. The best way to help yourself out of internet addiction is to cut down the RSS feeds and keep few of them, which you truly follow.

The best form of self-help on internet addiction is time limit. If your bread and butter comes from internet, then spending eight hours a day on internet is fine, conditionally you stick to relevant websites and do not just spend time gaming or social networking.

Next self-help on internet addiction involves a little bit on usage tracking. For a few days, try to find out how much time you spend on each site you visit. Jot down everything, even if it is for a few seconds. Now try to determine, how much of that time actually was used for work purpose. This will help you out in cutting down internet addiction.

Try to spend some time with actual friends and not someone who is sitting continents away from you. In short, try to replace internet usage time with something else. Pick up a book (not e-book) or just go strolling outside. Only you can help yourself out of internet addiction and no one else.

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