Thursday, July 23, 2009

Understanding The Sciatic Nerve

The sciatic nerve is a nerve that can be found in the lower back and runs down to the toes of each leg. This special nerve originates from five of the nerves found in the lower spinal column and as these five nerves connect, they form the sciatic nerve. This nerve can be as large as a normal person's thumb at its roundest and largest point, where the five nerves meet and is the largest and widest of all nerves in the human body.

One of the most common conditions that come from the sciatic nerve is sciatic nerve pain. This condition is also called sciatica and stems from a lot of factors. Since the sciatic nerve enervates most, if not all of the nerves of the legs, any injury, compression or change that comes to it affects some parts of the lower back, buttocks, and legs. The set of symptoms that usually result from the irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve or any of the five nerves from which it originates from is called sciatica.

Sciatic nerve pain or sciatica are a group of set symptoms which are the result of the sciatic nerve being injured, compressed or affected in any way. Pain is one of the more common and lasting of the symptoms that stem from changes to the sciatic nerve. A tingling sensation is also quite common as well as some numbness in the back, buttocks or parts of the legs. Some individuals also experience a lack of control of the entire leg. Depending on which nerve is affected, the symptoms may vary.

Treatment for any form of sciatic nerve condition can be dealt with by initially diagnosing the condition correctly. Doctors should be able to locate the affected nerve or nerves by testing and probing the person who is affected by sciatica. Since the sciatic nerve is a large nerve which helps to enervate the legs and some parts of the lower back and buttocks, many instances of numbness or lack of control in these areas may be associate d with injury or compression of the sciatic nerve or one or more of the original five nerves.

Changes in lifestyle and maybe even surgery or physical therapy can help to deal with injury or compression of the sciatic nerve. The important thing to remember with any conditions connected to the sciatic nerve is to have it diagnosed correctly for it to be treated correctly.

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